Sunday, February 18, 2018

New Orleans - February 17, 2018

Friday, February 17, 2018

The day started out at Logan around 8:45. After checking our bags and going through security a hour wait to board began. While on our flight to St.Louis the turbulence was constant and nagging. We landed in St. Louis and bought overpriced ice cream (editorial comment:  Ted Drewe's - the best in St. Louis!) and Dunkin’ Donuts. We arrived in New Orleans an hour later at 4:20.

Ms. Myers and Mr. McGonagle drove us to the First Unitarian Universalist Church of New Orleans, where we met a kind lady named Ruth, who showed us around The Center for Ethical Living and introduced us to our bunk beds. Before leaving for Katie’s restaurant, most of us made our beds with the sheets and blankets provided at the Center. We also changed because it is much hotter here than we expected.

Heading to Katie’s, we jammed to Frank Sinatra because why not?  We parked and immediately noticed that the community here was much more laid back and close to each other. Everyone was very friendly, and the food we ordered was mouth watering. I tried a dish called gumbo for the first time and to my surprise, it was really good. Now I know why people talk about New Orleans food so highly.

The drive back to our bunk beds was, once again, amazing. Frank Sinatra, Christian music, and some cool R&B station. Some words of advice for next years NOLA goers, bring an AUX cord. Exhausted from an adventurous day of flying and eating, we had a couple laughs and climbed up to bed.

Foster and Nick

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